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1949. 12. 31
Proclaimed to establish the Law of Education
1952. 06. 05
Implemented educational autonomy system
1954. 11. 17
Established administration recovering education district
1961. 10. 01
Abolished autonomous educational system, integrated general administration for gun
1964. 01. 01
Reinstated self-governing system for ‘province’ unit
1976. 12. 15
Completed new office building of office of education
1991. 03. 26
Changed title as Gangwon state Cheorwon office of education
1991. 11. 22
Opened an Administration Advisory Committee of Gangwon state Cheorwon office of education
2009. 03. 01
Park, Sang Nam, the 19th local officer of education inaugurated
2010. 09. 01
Hyun, In Ho, the 20th local officer of education inaugurated
2010. 09. 01
Changed title as Gangwon state-do Cheorwon Office of Education
2012. 09. 01
Choi, Dae Wi, the 21th local officer of education inaugurated
2014. 09. 01
Im, Gwang ho, the 22th local officer of education inaugurated
2016. 09. 01
Oh, Heunggeum, the 23th local officer of education inaugurated
2018. 03. 01
Jang, seungjo, the 24th local officer of education inaugurated
2109. 03. 01
Kim, Eun Sook, the 25th local officer of education inaugurated
224 Jipo-ri, Galmal-eup, Cheorwon-gun, Gangwon state, Republic of Korea, Zip(24036)
TEL : +82-33-450-1010 (International) 033-450-1010 (Domestic)